As highlighted by the European Commission, a fundamental factor to raise up sustainability in food production is the availability of successful cases as well as solid transferability mechanisms.
This on-line repository is conceptualized to facilitate the fast creation, sharing and transfer of collaborative knowledge in a highly accessible and visible manner. The goal is to roll the message out of the bottle, supporting stakeholders and potential new practitioners also coming from the neighbouring countries of the Adriatic area to learn from the PEFMED & PEFMED PLUS case studies and experience, catch the technical and economic background and likely to replicate them.
This on-line workspace is addressed to specific target groups such as agri-food companies, associations, technological performers, environmentalists and public administrations, local communities and interested parties and aims any interested stakeholder to go more deeply in the PEF methodology and try to follow the best practices offered by PEFMED PLUS and test the self-evaluation tools used during the knowledge transfer activities.
PEFMED stands for “Sharing and transferring Product Environmental Footprint experiences and methods to neighbouring countries of the Adriatic agrifood sector”.
The overall objectives of the PEFMED PLUS project are to:

Increase the awareness about the environmental impact of traditional food productions.

Deliver a training program on outputs previously gained with PEFMED project.

Perform knowledge transfer to agri-food producers, clusters, and public institutions.

Ratify protocols and memorandums of understanding with the above-mentioned target groups to ensure an after-life plan.
All project info are available at the official website.
Nowadays there is a huge debate on the footprinting of the agrifood supply chains and the related stakeholders have difficulties to understand their performances and how to mitigate their environmental impacts. Moreover, the proliferation of environmental labels at market level is confusing the consumers when buying food products.
Starting from the knowledge previously generated by the former PEFMED project in the agrifood Mediterranean countries, the general objective of the PEFMED PLUS is to replicate its culture, methodology and to transfer a set of ready-to-use outputs (National Roadmaps, PEF Wiki Platform info, Socio-Economic KPIs tools for olive oil, bottled water, wine and cheese) which will be tailored for the agrifood sector of the Adriatic basin.
The project is running from July 2021 till June 2022, it is financed by the Interreg Mediterranean Programme to promote eco-innovation in the food and drink industry in the Euro-Mediterranean area, by coupling environmental and socio-economic aspects.
PEFMED website: https://pefmed.interreg-med.eu/